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Bridging the Gap Between Pilates and Physical Therapy


Pilates PT: The Bridge to Dancer Wellness

Interprofessional Education for Dancers and Physical Therapy Students Leads to Improved Evaluation and Rehabilitation of Dance Injuries with Incorporation of Pilates Exercises

Galantino, M.L., Lim, J.H, Bahring, S., and Woolverston, K. Outcome Measures for Dance Injury: A Pilot Study Exploring Functional Movement Screen and a Novel Screening Tool. Orthopedic Practice. APTA: Orthopedic Section-PASIG. Volume 29. Number 3. 2017.

This article explored the need for rehabilitative methods that incorporate dance specific terminology for optimal rehabilitation. The study sought to address five areas including evaluation/screening, interventions, supplementary interventions, communication, and continuing education. Also, they wanted to determine the efficiency of Pilates based interventions for the dancer and Physical Therapist.

Dance Major Students and Graduate Student Physical Therapists of Stockton University in New Jersey were utilized in the study. The Pilates interventions protocol was designed by a Pilates Certified Teacher and focused on the 6 principles of Pilates; centering, control, concentration, flow/efficiency of movement, breath, and precision. Pilates based interventions incorporated exercises in supine, prone, sidelying, sitting, and standing. Pilates based interventions completed daily for 5x/week for 12 weeks.

The results showed decreased pain after performance and increased ability to cope psychologically. Adherence to the Pilates based intervention program was 60-75%. Thus, prevention interventions should be implemented early in a dancer’s career to increase awareness and prevent injuries as well as early education for Physical Therapists for proper assessment and treatment. There is a great need for an optimal dancer screening to treat and prevent musculoskeletal issues in the dance population. The Pilates method combined with traditional Physical Therapy exercises can provide for enhanced skeletal structure, bone mass/strength, and deep core strength.

Majority of injuries in the dance populations are in the lower extremities and low back. Overuse and overload is the common mechanism of injury. Larger sample size required for higher level evidence in future studies. Pilates based exercises serve as a possible method for dancer cross training and for rehabilitative therapeutic exercises.



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With Love, Scrubs, and Sidekicks,

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